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Slip stress og tankemylder. Find ro og klarhed med Mindfulness og Access Bars
Overvind begrænsninger. Lær at forstå dit sinds potentiale og transformer gamle overbevisninger med PSYCH-K
Lev i harmoni med de Universelle love. Skab det liv du ønsker ved brug af bevidst intention og loven om tiltrækning
Øg din bevidsthed: Styrk din forståelse af dig selv med Mindfulness og PSYCH-K og skab balance og klarhed i dit liv
Tag kontrollen over dit liv. Frigør dig fra blokeringer i dit sind og genopdag din indre kraft
Genkend din sande styrke. Husk, at du allerede er et helt, komplet og perfekt væsen med ubegrænset potentiale.
Få professionel og personlig vejledning. Bliv støttet i din udvikling af en erfaren læge med erfaring og indsigt i personlig udvikling og transformation
Skab balance og glæde. Oplev mere nærvær, glæde, energi og mening i hverdagen.
Mindfulness Begivenheder
Deltag i et halvdags mindfulness event på skønne Solgården i Hornbæk, søndag d. 19 januar 2025. Kl 12-16
DKK 550 (max 16 deltagere)
PSYCH-K din nøgle til forandring
Frigør begrænsende overbevisninger med PSYCH-K. Skab varig forandring - hurtigt og effektivt.
DKK 1200 (50 min sessioner)
3 sessions DKK 3400
5 sessions DKK 5400
Access Bars Behandling (personligt fremmøde)
Access Bars er en blid berøringsteknik med 32 punkter på hovedbunden, der lindrer stress, giver ro i tankerne og åbner op for nye muligheder. Oplev ro og klarhed på en enkel måde.
DKK 850 (50 min sessioner)
3 sessioner DKK 2450
5 sessioner DKK 4000
Samtaler i Naturen - Walk and Talks
Med udgangspunkt i dine ønsker og mål guider jeg dig mod klarhed og balance. Sammen udforsker vi, hvordan du kan ændre begrænsende overbevisninger til styrkende antagelser og skabe det liv, du ønsker.
"Din kerne er hel. Når du indser dette, begynder din heling"
~Charlotte Søeberg 2024
Er du fortaler for et paradigmeskifte i sundhed og velvære & giver du dig selv mulighed for at udfolde dit sande potentiale?
A Paradigm is a basic belief - an approach representing a set of fundamental concepts and practices that guides our thinking and behavior in a certain way.
So, in advocating a Paradigm Shift in Health and Wellbeing, I am suggesting a general fundamental shift in the beliefs and approaches that currently guide our thinking and behavior in the medical field and in th healing arts industry in general.
In my humble opinion, this shift is inevitable and is already taking place throughout the world. However, I find that by communicating and collaborating in this evolutionary change, an acceleration of the process can take place and we can hereby supp rt and empower people on a bigger scale to catapult their health and wellbeing to new heights faster, creating more ease and joy and less suffering overall.
My suggestion is that leaders within the health care and treatment sy them f.eg. doctors, physical therapist, psycholgist, healers, nurses, chiropractors, osteopaths, life coaches, counsellors etc. in cooperation with both the client/ patient/ fellow human being and other professionals are incooperating the points underneath into their treatment :
Holistic health - Increased awareness of the connection: body, mind, emotions & spirit
Equality of patient/client and therapist
Living from inside-out (We create our own reality from our thoughts, feelings & behaviors)
Healing the different root causes of Dis-ease (From Dis-ease to Ease)
Strengthening & Empowering the self-healing powers within
Unlocking our true potential within & taking action
Remember that we are all connected to one another and to the nature around us
Understanding the most important inevitable Laws of the Universe f.eg. Law of Attraction, Vibration, Polarity, Cause and Effect etc.
Knowing who we are & how mind body and spirit plays a major role in our results in life
Constantly expand our Awareness and gain Knowledge
The multiplied power of Cooperation/ Masterminding ( open-mindedness, support & positive intentions )
Kindness towards self and others (the importance of self-care & balanced living)
The Paradigm Shift within health and well-being is a natural development that follows human evolution.
It signifies a new perspective in relation to how the doctor/therapist perceives the patient/client/fellow human being and vice versa. The paradigm shift gives both the patient/client and the doctor/therapist the opportunity to see each other as equal human beings bringing each their expertise to the table in the exchange between the two.
The patient/client being the expert in his or her own body and experiences and the doctor/therapist in his or her specific field.
-What is the core value in the New Paradigm within health and well-being?
The core value is that we as people, both patients/clients and doctors/therapists, are seen as whole beings with an equal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nature and at the same time with each our unique amazing appearance and genetic, environmental & internal programming.
Also that we are all here in this world together as compassionate and loving individuals, to learn from, respect, accept and stay curious towards each other with each our small unique and beautiful kinks and quirks - our differences and to remember that none of us are perfect.
In addition, an important core value is that we see our health and well-being - as an asset, in relation to being able to live a happy, healthy & fulfilling life.
—How is the relationship between the patient and the doctor/therapist seen from the perspective of the new Paradigm?
The patient and the doctor/therapist are seen as completely equal as human beings. At the same time, they are seen with different strengths, abilities and talents. The patient has the greatest knowledge and experience in relation to how he/she reacts to various advice or initiatives and is therefore the specialist in her/his well-being, which is an important part of the exchange. The doctor/therapist, on the other hand, has specialist knowledge and experience within one or more areas and in several cases also has personal experience within the subject from his/her own life perspective.
When the patient or client seeks the doctor/therapist, it is based on a desire to obtain more knowledge or help to improve an area within the patient's health and well-being - a kind of consultant advice and or specialist treatment.
As people generally become more and more aware, both parties will know that neither party is perfect and that both parties have their own responsibilities in the exchange.
Neither party can demand that the other think, feel or act in certain ways. The development can give both parties expanded knowledge and/or experience which they can choose to either act on or not.
—Who is responsible?
Both the patient and the doctor/therapist have equal responsibility in the exchange.
The doctor/therapist is responsible for carefully and conscientiously sharing his knowledge and/or taking therapeutic measures to the best of his ability. At the same time, the patient is responsible for allowing and deciding which of the doctor's/therapist's measures and advice should be acted upon or not.
—How can we make the most of the Paradigm Shift?
With the new paradigm shift, it is an advantage for a satisfactory exchange that both the patient and the doctor/therapist continually develop their abilities both intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Intellectually, by having gathered knowledge within his/her profession as a doctor/therapist and on the part of the patient/client having clarified a specific wish in relation to the advice/treatment which the doctor/therapist can then formulate whether he/she can possibly help with or not. In this case, it would be most optimal for the doctor/therapist to have more intellectual and experiential knowledge in the field for which the patient is seeking advice/help.
The emotional development of both parties is important in relation to the experience that both the doctor/therapist and the patient experience during the exchange. In addition, the development in this field also has a great influence on how the outcome of the doctor's/therapist's advice or measures will have on the patient.
The spiritual development is important in relation to how we see the challenges we are presented with in life, from the big perspective. Do we choose to see our lives filled with e.g. loving reminders from our body or with challenges as educational opportunities to grow as people? Or do we choose to see our challenges and possible illnesses as a punishment that must make us suffer because we are fundamentally evil beings without the ability to grow? Depending on our perspective, our spiritual beliefs, our beliefs and/or habits, our lives will be very different.
The most important thing is to know that we ourselves have a choice in relation to how we choose to perceive our experiences. We cannot change other people or the circumstances around us, but we can choose to take responsibility for how we perceive our experiences and thus choose to grow and change our lives in the direction we ourselves want.
Certaintly, it is also very important to be able to communicate clearly and with compassion and understanding with each other, in order to achieve the best possible outcome for both parties.
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them."
~George Bernard Shaw
Reset dit nervesystem
Er du typen, der kører dig selv hårdt? Er du leder og/eller selvstændig og har store ambitioner? Har du svært ved at holde pauser i hverdagen både på arbejdet og når du har fri? Måske er dette Silent retreat noget for dig?
Få adgang til din selvhelbredende kraft i dig selv
Eckhart Tolle beskriver i bogen: A New Earth:
"Det nuværende øjeblik er porten til det sted, hvor styrke findes indeni."
Start din dag med en lækker frisk grøn smoothie
Her er forslag til forskellige udgaver af lækre anti-inflammatoriske grønne smoothies. Hvordan føles det i din krop at starte dagen med en frisk og nærende drink?
Mindfulness events i Danmark
Mindfulness er mere end forkælelse. Det er en kundskab som er blevet en nødvendighed i vores travle hverdag.
Lær at forbinde dig selv med roen indeni, som altid er tilstede. Mindfulness husker dig på, hvilken ubegrænset styrke du indeholder, ved bare at være..
“Ægte styrke er at være dig”
Charlotte Søeberg 2021